UPDATE (2/4/2025): This technology was created and patented by Robert J. Religa.⁶
The majority of the population hasn’t heard of this advanced and incredible technology. A technology that’s been changing the lives for years of many who’ve simply been around it. A technology that isn’t snake oil garbage for once. EESystem™, which stands for “Energy Enhancement System™” is a technology that generates multiple bio-active life-enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves” which can help the body’s ability to rejuvenate and heal.
Benefits include cell regeneration, improvement in the immune system, relief from inflammation, bodily detoxification, mood elevation, increases in energy levels, and much more.¹﹐² Learning how the technological, scientific, and metaphysical mechanics of how the system actually works would go over most people’s heads. But if you truly seek to expand your knowledge, learn more on their research page.
To explain in layman’s terms what scalar waves are, they’re the transformational collation of energies that create an implosion and explosion.³ The EESystem utilizes these scalar fields with things like biophotonics, also known as color therapy and cellular communication with the colors and symbols displayed on their computer monitors. These are custom-installed computers that run this energetic phenomenon.
For over 20 years, the EESystem's source code was replicated by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, Ph.D., DNM, DCSJl, and has been recognized by many medical, scientific, and professional conferences around the world.¹ The reasoning behind Dr. Sandra creating the Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) stems from her upbringing in a scientific family.
She had a unique childhood, as she was fascinated by the connection between physics and the human body. Throughout the years, she studied traditional and alternative medicine, including chiropractic, nutrition, Ayurveda, and studies in Rife technology. This ultimately led her to blend her expertise in both traditional and alternative medicine with advanced physics.⁴
Passionate about creating cellular harmonizing technology, in 1978, she created her first scalar healing light chamber. This light chamber is focused on recharging the body’s cells through energy.⁴ This technology was the predecessor of the EESystem which improved substantially. In April of 1996, the Energy Enhancement System was born. Over the years, she became recognized globally for her work, as even the skeptics were surprised that the technology actually works.
My EESystem Testimonial at The Energy Room in Boca Raton, FL!
Testimonial, after testimonial, gives profound miracle stories that can make anyone ask these questions after listening to experiences: “Is this thing legit?” or “Should I try it?”. I personally tried the EESystem a few times at The Energy Room in Boca Raton, Florida and it felt great every time. I felt it influenced a sense of calm within me with each session. As I mentioned in my testimonial, the staff is family! Tell them Joseph from UNIFY TO CLARIFY sent you!
There was a medical study done on a child who had frequent seizures daily, and who got treatment from the EESystem. Shortly after the second treatment, the patient’s mother noted a reduction in the number and duration of seizures.⁵
On the week prior to treatment, patient’s seizure log indicated 6 to 10 seizures per day of 5 to 20 second duration. After the second treatment, patient’s mother noted a reduction in the number and duration of seizures. After the third treatment (day 4 since the beginning of treatment) the patient had a seizure-free day for the first time in a year and a half according to her mother. She continued with two to three treatments per week, each lasting two hours long with the number and duration of the seizures gradually diminishing.⁵
There’s a network that is currently making this technology widespread and more affordable for people. To set EESystems in spas around the world for people to experience it themselves. This network is known as UNIFYD Healing. Where the aim is to spread awareness and knowledge of life-changing technologies and to make them accessible on a global scale.
Jason Shurka, founder of UNIFYD World, wanted to create a network that's part of the UNIFYD World mission that focuses solely on helping the world heal. You can also look up locations that have the EESystem on their website at UNIFYDHealing.com.
The UNIFY TO CLARIFY team fully supports this tech and we aim to become partnered with UNIFYD Healing in the future! I highly encourage anyone who’s reading this article to research the EESystem! If you're still skeptical, I invite you to become open to the possibility of something that could potentially help you or someone else. Regardless of the issue, there is always SOMETHING out there that could help you.
[1]: What is the EESystem: https://eesystem.com/what-is-ee-system/
[2]: EESystem Research Page: https://eesystem.com/research/
[3]: A Deeper Dive Into the Science Behind the Energy Enhancement System Technology | Michael Scalar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziet7PrnMEs
[4]: The Revolution of Healing: Part One (With Jason Shurka & Dr. Sandra Rose Michael): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bcYsBM1gnM
[5]: Scalar Field Therapy and Mitigation of Seizure Disorder: A Case Report: https://www.neurores.org/index.php/neurores/article/view/134/145
[6]: BREAKING NEWS: The Revolution is HERE | A story that will blow your mind!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7M6SMkMf_pc
Disclaimer: This article is an unpaid endorsement for the Energy Enhancement System (EESystem), The Energy Room, and UNIFYD Healing. 💸
Health Disclaimer: This article is provided for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute providing medical advice or professional services. The information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, and those seeking personal medical advice should consult with a licensed physician. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider regarding a medical condition. 👩⚕️